Friday, June 12, 2015

Missed Opportunities for Blessing

Yesterday, I took my kids to the pool (again).  This has become almost a daily ritual for us this summer.  We live in the desert and the temperatures have been getting pretty hot lately!  The nice, blue water in the pool cools us down.  Yesterday, we arrived at the pool late in the afternoon.  The sun was not at it's peak, but it was still quite warm.  My kids immediately dove into the pool.  The contrast between the hot air and the cool water make the pool feel quite cold!  They had no fear of the cold water.  They immediately jumped in.

I, however, slowly took off my clothes, rearranged my bathing suit and slowly walked toward the pool.  My youngest son was already on the steps (in the water), splashing and laughing.  He looked up at me and said, "Mom, come into the water!"

I answered him, "The water is cold!  I don't want to get cold."

He took a minute and thought about it and said, "Mom, you don't like the water?  Are you scared of the water?"

I quickly replied, "No...I'm not scared, the water is just too cold!"

He thought for another minute and said, "'re scared."

He was making a good point.  I had not even tried the water and I decided it was too cold.

I was scared--scared of the unknown--scared of discomfort.

Life can be scary sometimes.  There is great uncertainty.  Sometimes, we don't want to try something new because we don't know what is going to happen.

I looked down at him and I could tell that he was desperately wanting me to swim with him.  He splashed me with some water and said, "I promise you, it's not cold--it's warm."

I started by standing on the first step.  It was chilly, but not so bad...

I worked my way down each step and then it was time to fully swim.  I took a deep breath and lunged into the water.  It was cold, but once I was wasn't so bad!

I spent the next hour playing with my kids in the water.  After just a couple of minutes, I acclimated to the temperature of the pool and was quite comfortable. I would have missed the blessing of enjoying this special time with my children.  Why--because I was too afraid to try something new.

We all have those moments in life when opportunity knocks on our door.  Something comes our way that is appealing and exciting, yet there is fear in trying.  We would rather stay in the comfort of what we know.  We know that where we stand is good.  What if there is something better?  Are we willing to step out of the comfort zone of our lives and try something new?

We may just find that life is BETTER after we jump in the pool.  At first, the cold water may feel strange and unwelcoming, but give it just a moment and you'll get used to it.  Have fun, enjoy life, and jump in the pool!

Many of us wonder why God is not blessing us in a certain way that we desire.  Did He ask you to come into the pool, but you were afraid of the cold water?  Did you miss a blessing that God had for you because of delayed obedience, or outright disobedience?

It's ok.  Tomorrow, we'll stand at the edge of the pool again.  God (like my son) is standing in the water, ready to catch you.  He's ready to help you, but you have to trust Him first.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen, I will help you.  Surely, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

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