Friday, June 26, 2015

Boldly Speak the Truth in Love!

People these days are afraid to speak the truth in love.  We are not doing anyone any favors by speaking anything other than TRUTH.  Be bold, be strong and courageous!  Don't be afraid of what man can do you to, be afraid (and reverently in awe) of the One who has the power to throw you in hell (Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:4, Psalm 118:6)  Open rebuke is better than secret love (Proverbs 27:5).  I will openly state that I do not agree with legalizing homosexual marriage.  I believe in the biblical definition of marriage, and I always will.  You can say hateful things back to me, unfriend me, call me judgmental, say I lack love, whatever you want to say, but I hear from God and I know His Word (in it's full context) and He does not approve of sin of any kind, but His love is for everyone and all can be saved through faith in Jesus Christ and His free gift of grace that will lead to eternal salvation.  We can only become righteous in the eyes of God through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus, His only begotten Son.  It doesn't matter whether that's what the world wants to hear, that's all you're ever going to hear from if you don't want to hear it, just know that I'm going to keep speaking it.  You won't hurt my feelings by un-friending me.  I have to be accountable to speak the truth in love.  If God approved of homosexuality, that would mean He also approved of all types of sexual sin, lying, stealing, adultery, murder, incest, rape, bestiality, pride envy, worshipping other gods, making idols, witchcraft, divination, rebellion, etc.  They are all sin and God does not approve of any of them, and that is why there WERE laws against these things made by man to agree with the law of God to keep peace and order in the land.  One by one, those laws are being torn down and changed to meet the desires of men to be lawless.  As these laws are being changed, we are seeing a complete breakdown of order in our country and sin is abounding and lawlessness is increasing.  America did not have a victory today, it was a sign of a societal breakdown.  Love did not win today.  The good news is that Jesus knows that we are ALL sinners, when we break just one part of the law, we are guilty of breaking the whole law.  We are all guilty in God's eyes and He is the righteous Judge over all.  He has extended His free gift of grace and salvation to ALL people, but He does require that we repent our former sins and come to Him, so that He can declare us fully righteous before Himself after we are washed in the blood of Jesus and take on HIS full righteousness.  However, even after we are saved by God, we continually must look into ourselves and allow God to reveal areas of our hearts and lives that need to be changed and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.  We are being made into the image of Jesus Christ, taking on His nature and character.  I have a responsibility before God to love people, but when reading Ezekiel 33, I also am accountable to speak the truth and warn the people of consequences of their sinful nature.  By speaking the truth to them and not approving of their sin, I am showing them the highest form of LOVE because I care deeply about their eternal salvation and their experience of the abundant life while on the earth.  We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all have been given the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, but continual rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit to show us truth and bring us into a relationship with Jesus Christ is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit--the ONE unforgivable sin according to the Bible.  Repent, turn from your wicked ways today--accept the free gift of salvation and grace through Jesus, and YOU WILL BE SAVED!

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