Sunday, September 6, 2015

I Am a Good Mother...

I am a good mother.

I am not a perfect mother, but I am a good mother.

This can be one of the hardest things to say in life, as a mother.  Why is it hard to believe that we are doing a good job?  Whether you have one child or ten children, many mothers still doubt their abilities and may worry into the night that they are wrecking their children's lives.  Am I a good mother because I feed my children an all-natural, organic diet that is nutritionally balanced, GMO and gluten-free, and absolute full of goodness?  No.  Sadly, I do not do all these things.

I do try.

Am I good mom when my children go to bed at 7:30 every night, tucked quietly into their beds with a  perfect bedtime story full of moral fortitude?  No.

I do try.

Am I a good mother because I arrange playdates with the best children on the block, provide my children with extra opportunities for character building, boundary constructing and practicing social construct that are acceptable in society?  No.

But...I do try.

I am a good mother because I deeply love my children--unconditionally.

I am a good mother because, at the end of the day, I have kept my children alive, fed, clothed and sheltered.  Well, even when we faced troublesome times, it wasn't actually me that did was Jesus.  He helps me to be a good mother.  He provides for that I can be a good mother.  He pours His love through me, so that I can be a good mother.  He teaches my children grace, mercy, love and forgiveness for all those times I mess up, and the world may say (or I may want to say) that I am NOT a good mother.

You see, what makes me a good mother isn't that I conform perfectly to the wisdom of the world that tells me how to raise my children in a perfect way, in perfect health, so ultimately they can avoid dying too early.

What makes me a good mother is that I know where my strength comes from.  I know that I am not a perfect mother, but I believe in the grace of God that is guiding me and carrying me through. I believe that God is strong enough to overcome my shortcomings and mistakes as a parent, heal my children and God is in control of how their lives turn out.

I do try.  I try to spend time each day seeking God.  I try to focus more time in prayer for my children and their future.  I try to spend quality time with them each day, making them feel unconditionally love and ultimately important.  I try to tell them that, although they too have weaknesses, God is strong enough to overcome them.

I teach them that perfection is not the goal of life.  Love is the answer to everything.

This is why I AM A GOOD MOTHER.

2 Corinthians 12:10 (NASB)

Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Whom Shall I Serve--Jesus, the Great Counselor

I have spent the past month completing an internship in the hope of one day becoming an independently licensed counselor. I have worked four long years in graduate school to get to this point.  I have been excited for over a year about my upcoming internship.  During the process of trying to find an internship, I contacted approximately 50 sites (I wrote them down).  Of these contacts, 2-3 of them looked as though they were possibilities.  None of these were "Christian" counseling facilities.  One was a domestic violence shelter, one was working with a tribal human services office, and another was working at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  After attending interviews and praying hard, I chose to accept an internship at the psychiatric hospital.

One thing I knew going into the internship was that I would NOT be allowed to openly talk about God or my chosen faith, Christianity.  In the field of counseling, talking about your faith without the client stating that he/she has the same faith and wants that incorporated into the treatment interventions is unethical and can cost you everything (internship, licensure, and possibly getting sued for "harming" the client).  For someone who has spent the past eight years doing evangelism and sharing my faith openly and boldly, I knew this would be a great challenge for me.  In prayer, God spoke to me and said, "You don't have to say a word, my Presence will go with you, and it will reach out and touch people, even if you never mention Me."

Every day that I go to work, I see people in deep suffering.  I have experienced trials, tribulations and suffering in my own life.  I know how much these people are hurting.  They have no hope for life.  They want to commit suicide, or they want to hurt someone because they are angry, or they have been using drugs or just had a psychotic break and are having delusions, hallucinations, hearing derogatory and commanding voices telling them to do horrible things at times (to themselves and others).

It's the deepest darkness I have ever seen, and every day, the darkness is all around me.  I feel like I'm in the enemy's camp right in the midst of all his troops.  Not the people, but the mental illnesses.  The people are created by God, fearfully and wonderfully made, loved unconditionally by God--but the darkness they feel overshadowing them is heavy and crushing.  They feel they cannot bear up under the weight of the darkness.

Some of the voices tell these people that they are horrible people, they are worthless, meaningless, they yell at these people (inside of them) and say all manner of hateful things to them.  They describe to me how the voices cannot be shut off.  They torment them day and night.  Many of the patients have suffered deep traumas throughout life.  The grief and sadness overwhelms them.  I see beautiful people--I hear about times in their lives before the traumas occurred when life was much better.  I see children that God created, but they have become lost in the darkness of this world.  I want to help them find a light of hope.

In all of this, I want to wrap my arms around them and cry with them, and tell them about the hope that is found in trusting Jesus.  But...I can't.  Occasionally, a client will tell me that we can talk about God, but even then, I must be careful to walk a fine line that agrees with the client's own perceptions of faith and religious practices.  I cannot be bold, say what I want to say, or tell them what I believe.  The therapy is client-centered--to empower the client.  I believe in empowering people!  I want them to feel powerful against these dark forces in their lives, but I feel compelled to share something with them that can be a strong power and a sword against it.  It creates a constant struggle inside of me.

Yesterday, I heard things that I knew I would hear some day...horrific stories of abuse.  I knew it was coming for the past four years.  It was heartbreaking.  I could trace the roots of the mental illness.  It had started somewhere....and together, we found that place.  Although I never mentioned Jesus in the session, and we didn't talk about Christianity at all, I could feel His presence in the session with me.  I could feel that He was reaching out and healing wounds from the past.  I could feel an overwhelming sense of His unconditional love, mercy and grace.  I suddenly became VERY aware of how Jesus sees everything in our lives, He knows every detail, and He has been there through it all--loving us--never less, never more.  His love has been steadfast, faithful and true!

I know I'm not supposed to take my work home with me, but last night, I couldn't stop thinking about this client.  I sat in my comfortable chair, alone in the darkness, and my heart broke for this person.  I cried out to Jesus, interceding for this person to have healing from God, to feel the presence of God overshadowing all fear, shame, hurt and despair.  I cried and cried.  I asked God to show this person His great and everlasting love.  I asked God to send angels to protect this person.

I've been frustrated at times that I can't openly share my faith, but God told me before I began the internship that it would be this way.  He told me that He would go with me in everything that I do.  I realized yesterday that it's the truth.  God was in the room with us, whether we acknowledged His presence of not.  HE WAS THERE...helping us both.

I came home and felt I had possibly dishonored God by not saying more.  I heard God whisper to me, "Whom do you fear (serve), Sarah?"  I could feel God encouraging me to always have Him in my thoughts and keep Him with me at all times, acknowledging in myself His presence there.  I told God that I will serve Him first and only.

I know God has brought me to this place for a reason.  It's challenging in every way, but I know He is with me--so I will not fear.

God bless you all in the name of Jesus! :-)

Deuteronomy 31:8Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”

***By the way, in case you all wondered, this does not violate confidentiality because there is no identifying information about this client, and I see many clients every day who have similar issues.***

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Jesus is My Inspiration

I am very thankful that today is a quieter day.  I am at home, just cleaning my house, organizing my life and and doing normal things.  It has been a crazy week with doctor appointments and kids starting sports (soccer and volleyball), working my counseling internship and trying to keep up with the fast-paced life that we live.  However, I am thankful that we are busy because if I stayed home all day (every day), I would probably be more prone to anxiety and depression.  I am coaching volleyball this year and the exercise keeps those endorphins rushing to my brain and it's helping me stay peaceful and happy.

This morning, a thought was ruminating in my mind...I think sometimes people look at other people for inspiration.  When someone is facing a trial (as we are facing), it can be easy to watch that person's life very closely.  I make it even easier because I am sharing the entire journey, ups and downs, with all of you.  However, people have said things to the effect that my strength and how I am handling this situation is "inspiring."

I began to think about this statement this morning.  While I love the support and I am thankful that our bad situation is making people have hope and feel stronger, I began to think about what inspires ME.  What inspires me to go through my day with uncertainty and negativity lurking around every corner?  What inspires me not to worry too much (even though I do--a little)?  What inspires me to get up in the morning and get dressed and be joyful about my day, regardless of what may happen?  Oh, sometimes, I do fail at being joyful and peaceful, but it's not really my job to keep myself that way.

I spoke with someone yesterday who asked the question, "Why would God put your family through so much?  You have been through difficult things in the past?  Is this a TEST for your family?  Why?"

The person apologized for bringing up her feelings this way, but I told her..."It's ok.  Yes, it may be a test.  Yes, we may have been tested before.  We may have even passed the test LAST time.  I don't know exactly why this is happening, but I know that God is fully in control of the situation and He knows the outcome.  I have no control over what will happen to my little son, or me, or anything else in life." I have a little bit of control over the decisions that we can make, but the outcome is ultimately in God's hands--completely--and I trust whatever decision HE decides to make about our lives."

I could hear her sobbing on the other end of the line.  She seemed too choked up to talk.  She said, "I'm so glad that you have faith in God and it's carrying you through this.  What you said is absolutely right, we have no control and we have to just trust God."

Now, do I trust God perfectly every day?  No.

I can guarantee you that my trust in God is not perfected at this time.  I am well aware of my personal doubts and weaknesses, my tendency to become anxious or fearful and overly emotional (and dramatic).  I know myself better than anyone--except God.  He knows me better than I know myself.

HE (The Lord Jesus--Yeshua) is my inspiration for living every single day.  I do not know how I would survive this life and all the troubles it has brought me without HIM.  He is the giver of all my peace (my mind constantly wants to be anxious), He is my hope (when I feel that I have no hope), He is the reason I get up in the morning and praise Him every night before I fall asleep.  He is the One I come running to in prayer over big and small things that happen throughout my day.  He is the One who comforts me, guides me, gives me wisdom and reassures me of how much He loves me.  He loves you, He loves my family, He loves every human being on the planet with an everlasting love.

If He allows this trial, surely He has a great plan in doing so.  I trust Him.  I trust His decisions about my life more than I trust my own.  I take His Word over my own thoughts, my own feelings, my own fears and my own desires.  HE is my inspiration for living.

With a mother's heart, I cry out to Him to heal my son.  I will continue to do so, just as I did with my other son who He healed.  I will not stop petitioning Him to heal my son completely.  I believe God is a great Healer, the Great Physician, and even if God should one day choose to take him to be with Him, I will trust Him still.  Where else can I go?  He is the One who has been faithful to me in everything.  He has shown Himself faithful--time and time again!  He has never left me or abandoned me during my times of trial, and He has been with me through all my times of joy as well.  He is real.  He is alive.  He is risen.  His salvation is not a one-time event in life.  His salvation works itself out in our lives EVERY DAY! He saves us from weakness, trials, persecutions, infirmities, and everything that comes against us in life--and one day, our salvation, our rescue will occur and we will live forever in eternity without pain, sorrow or death any longer.  If any of my children go to that blessed place before me, I hope it's not too long before I get there too!

Life is short.  Eternity is forever.  I know where we are headed and no matter what happens in this life, Jesus inspires me to continue forward toward the heavenly reward!  He is my great and exceeding reward, above ALL other things.

Revelation 21:1-4 (HCSB)

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne:[a]
Look! God’s dwelling[b] is with humanity,
and He will live with them.
They will be His people,
and God Himself will be with them
and be their God.[c]
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Death will no longer exist;
grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer,
because the previous things[d] have passed away.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Day on the Pediatric Cancer Floor

I will be honest with you, today was not my best day.  Sometimes, as a Christian, you know everything that should be done and feel that you are unable to do any of it.  Now, according to scripture that may not be the truth because the Word of God says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)--but that doesn't mean I do it gracefully.  Did I make it through this day?  Yes.

Did I make it through this day gracefully?  Probably not.

I woke up this morning full of joy and hope--ready to face the day.  Today is the day when my son and I go to a very important doctor's appointment to find out the extent of what is going wrong in his body.  I had prepared for this appointment for the past week, knowing it was coming, but hoping that it would bring me the answers that I seek, and the relief that my son needs.

We received neither of those today.  In fact, by the end of the day, I felt more anxious and upset than I did when the day began.  It wasn't that what we DID hear was bad.  The doctor said that he doesn't believe my son has either Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis or any type of cancer.  However, when making this determination, he had not yet even looked at my son's blood tests.  This was after we waited 5 1/2 hours to see the doctor after having a firm appointment in the morning.  We were not seen until the afternoon.

I went through a range of emotions today.  Excitement over thinking we would find out something while we began our wait to see the doctor...and happiness from the look of innocence on my son's face.  However, as the clocked ticked on, my emotions began to change.  As the anxiety began to creep into my mind, I began to pray.  I began to "cast my cares upon Jesus" because I could feel the anxiety rising up in me!  I began to feel angry because I could not understand why we had to wait for hours when we had an appointment, and I began to feel alone and slightly forgotten.

I mustered every bit of patience and I went to the nurse's station to ask how long it might be before the doctor would be seeing us.  I had other obligations planned for the afternoon and I just wanted to know if I should call and cancel.

After my visit to the nurse's station, I heard the nurses talking about the "difficult parent with the patient who had been waiting..."  Whether it's true or not, I immediately felt they were talking about me.  Was I difficult for asking when we might be seen after several hours had passed?  I began to think about how others might become enraged and be very unkind to the staff, but not me.  I was going to wait patiently in my room, even if it felt like an eternity.  I was going to take deep breaths, practice the coping skills I teach others in counseling groups, and just stay calm.

As hour five passed on, I began to lose control.  I walked back out to the nurse's station again, knowing in my heart they probably were already frustrated with me, and I asked again..."how much longer will it be?"

To which they answered, "You are next to see the doctor."  It's the same thing they told me two hours before.  I almost felt like I was going to start crying.  I began praying harder, asking God to make them come into our room and help us!  I prayed and prayed.

That's when it hit me (just as it had in the waiting room earlier today)...we are on the cancer floor of the children's hospital.  Maybe there's a good reason why we are here to wait, and wait, and wait.

I heard the Lord whisper to my spirit, "Perhaps, YOU are praying for the wrong thing."

The Lord went on to say, "Perhaps, you should be praying for healing for these children and comfort and peace for THEIR families.  Perhaps I brought you here for such a time as this."

So I began to pray...not that our doctor would come quicker (although I still wanted him to show up any minute), but that God would touch and heal every person in that hospital, patients and families alike, even the nurses and the doctors who hearts may be suffering from losing patients (young patients) to the demon of cancer.

Perhaps...I was sent there...for such a time as this.

As my prayers, and my focus, shifted off myself and our problems.  I began to realize that there were suffering people all around me.  I had felt the fear, anxiety and heartache associated with knowing that my child is sick (for whatever reason), but what about when the doctor comes in and serves you with the worst news of your life...your child DOES have cancer and your child might die.  I have felt the sting recently of even having this thought cross my mind.  What if the doctor told me it was unequivocally true and there was no escaping the diagnosis?

As I began to pray for others in the hospital, suddenly two doctors (the attending physician and a medical student) showed up in our room.  We went through a rather rushed and crazy appointment that ended with the doctor telling me that my son is probably severely allergic to some type of food.  A food allergy test was ordered, along with an iron test for his anemia.  The doctor told me to keep my forthcoming appointment with the dermatologist and my son's other specialists, but he was very certain he does not have either cancer or Langerhans.  He may just have several things going on in his body that are unrelated!

What are the chances?  We will keep our appointments with the other doctors and we really don't have a lot of answers at this point.  Our son is still having a difficult time and we don't really know why, but we are one step closer to finding out...and the worst things seemed to have been ruled out at the moment.

Sometimes, our own tears...our own fears...and all our own problems can cloud our ability to notice the needs, fears and tears of others.  Regardless of how our story ends, I thank God for taking me to that place today.  I saw a young mother sitting in a chair and our eyes met for just a moment.  She was crying and I could feel the pain in her heart.  She had just heard something that broke her heart--a mother's heart.  I wanted to comfort her, but as soon as our eyes met, she looked down at the floor.  Looking another person in the eye when you are in so much pain is very difficult.  You don't want someone to see into your soul.

I said a prayer for her, and I will pray for her again tonight.  I prayed today that the Holy Spirit would make His presence known in that hospital floor and reach out and touch EVERYONE with His peace, His comfort, His grace and salvation.  I can't imagine many places where a touch from God is needed more.  The thought of losing a child breaks my heart...whether it be my own or another's.

Sadly, despite all this, I still had trouble not being bitter.  That proves that we all have a fleshly side based only in human nature.  May God forgive me for my selfishness at times and let me give all the offenses I face in life to Him.  Sometimes, we don't understand why things happen the way they do, but I can be sure that God has a plan...and it's ALWAYS GOOD!

Please...although I thank you for all your prayers and support for my family through this trial...PLEASE pray tonight for those who are facing childhood cancer and their families.  Pray for the doctors to have wisdom and peace in their own hearts.  Their job is difficult, but I'm thankful that they do it.

Psalm 34:18 (NASB)

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

May God bless you all in the name of Jesus.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Life is Short. Life is Precious. Life is Unpredictable (Love--Laugh--Live)

Yesterday, I shared the news that our son is facing serious medical issues, and we as a family are being tried and having to endure yet another painstaking trial.  Some days, it can feel that the trials never end.  We have been through medical issues in the past that were very serious with our other son and I have spent many sleepless nights praying and holding my child while he struggled to breathe, watching him suffer.

Thankfully, we witnessed a true miracle and our middle son is completely healed, only by the grace and power of God.  His brain function is completely normal and actually tests well above average.  Two years ago, he scored 99 percentile in four categories on his standardized tests, and that's pretty good for a kid that the doctors said might never really talk or be able to walk normally, or just be a normal kid.  I will say, he's not "normal", but I think he's much better than "normal."

After enduring that trial and seeing him healed, we learned as a family that time is valuable and nothing is guaranteed in this life  We are not guaranteed of another day on the planet--not you, not me, not anyone.

Life is short.  Life is very precious...and life is unpredictable.

We never know what's coming next.  In the hospital, I am counseling patients who have no hope for living.  They want to die, or they wouldn't be there.  The ones that don't want to die want to end life for someone else, usually because people have hurt them in their own lives and they're just so darn mad!   I sit and look into the eyes of teenagers as they tell me they have attempted suicide multiple times because there's just nothing to live for anymore.

Life is precious.  I'll say it again.

Yesterday was a tough day, I'm not going to lie.  I was running around all day in a foggy haze, spent time crying at a friend's house, telling her my feelings (but she was amazing in helping me sort through them), and going to yet another doctor's appointment--only to hear more negative news about my son.

When I came home last night, I woke up from the daze.  My little son was playing a video game and laughing and jumping up and down.  He ran up to me and said, "Mama, TICKLE ME!"  His favorite thing in the world is to be tickled.  He wants to be tickled every single minute of the day and when you finally give into his pleading, he lets out the most wonderful giggle and says, "DO IT AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN--TICKLE ME MORE MOMMY!"

I love this kid.  My heart walks on the outside of my body every day, trying not to get crushed by the sorrows and troubles in this life.  I love all my children this way.  I feel their vulnerability and my heart is walking around this earth with THEM all day long.  When they hurt, I hurt.  When they cry, I cry.  When they laugh, I laugh.

Last night, after a good tickle session with my boy, homework with my other son (along with a very good long snuggly hug), and just doing volleyball practice with my daughter--I had an epiphany.

Life is short.  Life is precious.  Life is unpredictable.

So what can I do?  I can make the MOST of EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT.

I can snuggle longer with my children, laugh more, play more, get more involved in their worlds and just appreciate every moment that we DO have to together, instead of focusing on the ones that we might NOT have together.

I can't control the outcome of life, but I can control what I choose to do with the life that I was given. My life is precious.  My children's lives are precious.  We are not going to waste a single moment worrying about the things that we cannot control.  We are going to love more, laugh more, and praise God more for His goodness and the gift of life that He has so graciously given to us.

I'm not guaranteeing I won't cry more tears--that would be a lie, but my focus has changed.  I am about living, not worrying about whether or not we are going to die.

I encourage you today to do the same.

God bless you all in Jesus' name.

Matthew 6:34

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Glass Has Shattered...

This is one of those moments where there's not a lot to say, and yet there is so much to say.  Yet, the words don't seem to want to come out of me.  I haven't written on my blog for awhile, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been anything to write about.  I just don't know how to put my thoughts and feelings into words.  It's strange for me, a master of rhetoric.

I started writing this blog because one day, a glass broke in my kitchen and God spoke to me, saying "Your life is going to be like this broken glass.  Can you put it back together again?"  My response was, "No, God."  Then God said, "You can't, but I can."

Well, the glass has hit the floor.  It has definitely shattered.

The week before school started, I was running around (like crazy) getting the kids shots updated, sports physicals, paperwork, registrations...etc.  Our youngest son has been fighting a bad case of cradle cap (usually found on babies) since he was born.  We found out that it's seborrheic dermatitis and we have tried numerous treatments and they have all have failed to eradicate the problem.  When starting kindergarten this year in a public school, we were told that the doctor would have to give instructions and information about this problem to the school nurse.  We had a follow-up appointment already scheduled and we went to talk about his "cradle cap"...again.

During the time we had been on vacation this summer, my son's doctor left the area and we were set up to see a new doctor.  I hate seeing new doctors with a child who has multiple problems because I always feel like we have to start all over and talk about everything ALL OVER AGAIN.  However, when we met this doctor, amazingly, he had already reviewed my son's entire chart and he began asking some very different questions than we ever heard before. My son has been diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, asthma, anemia, muscular weakness in his eye, sun-sensitivity and has already had two surgeries by the age of 5.  There is not a day in his life when he is not struggling with some physical ailment.

I realize some children just need more medical attention and he just didn't "luck out" when it came to bodies working the way they should.

This appointment was different.  The questions the doctor started asking seemed random and I didn't understand the purpose of the questioning.  At first, the answers were "no" to many of the questions and then finally, he asked a question to which I gave a resounding "YES!"

He asked, "Is your son thirsty...a lot?"

Now, truth be told, my son can drink more fluids than most adults.  He is like a camel.  We're not sure where all the fluids go, except he does pee A LOT.  We've had him tested for Diabetes and the tests were all negative.

This one answer of "yes" seemed to spark a whole new line of questioning.  To which I answered "yes" to all the questions the doctor asked.  I knew we were heading somewhere, but I was afraid to know WHERE.

The doctor turns to me and spits out a long name LANGERHANS CELL HISTIOCYTOSIS.

The doctor asks, "Have you ever heard this name before?"

I stared back at him and said, "No...I would remember.  I have definitely not heard that name before."

The doctor says, " seems that your son will need to see a new specialist."

Me..."What kind of specialist?"


Doctor: "Well, I'm not going to say right now.  I need to make a few calls."

At that moment, a word popped into my mind--ONCOLOGIST.

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I screamed silently inside myself)

No. No. No. No.

The doctor hands me a small piece of paper with that name written on it.

He says, "Just keep this so you'll become acquainted with this name."

He then tells me (while I am dazed) that my son will need blood tests and a urine test...TODAY.

I gather my things and my other two kids (who were present through all of this) and walk out of the room toward the Lab.  I feel like I'm in a shocked daze, like a dream that I want to wake up from, but maybe a bad dream...WHAT did the doctor just say to me?

We got the blood test done while I held down a screaming 5 year old.  We got the urine test done--not the easiest task with a 5 year old.  Then, we wait...

We had results within 24 hours.  His monocytes are elevated and his platelet count is high, along with another number being somewhat high (but I don't know what it means).  I'm fighting back continual moments of wanting to just burst into tears spontaneously.  Oh wait, I'm starting my counseling internship at an inpatient psychiatric hospital in just a few days....STRESS--FUL.  My sister in law is a nurse practitioner and was wonderful with looking at the numbers I showed her and telling me it could be various different things.  We are trying our best to just take things as they come, not think too much about the future, and not worry about things until we have something TO worry about.  So far, we know things are going wrong in his body, we're just not sure WHAT or HOW MUCH.

We are told that a referral has been made to a hematologist-oncologist because Langerhans is an autoimmune disorder, but it still could be cancer.  That dreaded "C-word," I would never want to say in the same sentence with someone's name, much less my child.

I know other parents have gone through.  I try to comfort myself by praying and reading the Bible and just crying as I talk to God about it all.  I believe in God 100% and trust that all His promises are "yes and amen" in Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would be lost right now.

We are still waiting for answers.  The specialist's office is due to call us any day to make an appointment, but they said they need more information from the primary doctor.  We are calling and checking, and praying the info. will get there right away.  It's so hard to wait when your child's life and health is hanging in the balance.

Yesterday, while I was at work, I received a disturbing call.  My husband said my son was taken out of the classroom to the nurse's office because he was having trouble concentrating, following very simple one sentence directions and he attempted to wash his hands in the bathroom with soap and no water and would not respond to calls from the teacher to use water.  He was in a daze and not very responsive.  The thing about Langerhans (if that's what this is) is that it can affect all systems of the body, or just one system, primarily the skin.  He also has anemia and asthma and problems with his eyes.  Now, he is showing signs of neurologic problems (possibly)., back to the doctor's office we go.  This time, we are going to be talking about "new symptoms."

When our middle son was a baby, he was diagnosed with epilepsy and a host of other problems.  He was never diagnosed with Langerhans, but he went through a lot as a small child.  God healed his brain in a bonafide 100% miracle that the doctors could not even understand.  We've seen God is a miracle worker with our middle son.  Now, we need another miracle for our youngest son.

Prayers are very much appreciated.  Pray for our son, but please also pray for his mom, dad, brother and sister.  This is a very tough time for us all.

I am continuing to work at my internship doing counseling for acute adults and adolescents.  Every day, I have the privilege of counseling people who either want to kill themselves, kill others, or have psychosis.  I want to continue to work at this time, and so far, I've been able to separate my work from my home life.  It's just a very tough time.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers.  I will be writing more to keep everyone updated.

With greatest love in Jesus Christ...

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

God's Wisdom Brings Life

A few years back, God spoke to me about a "great separation" that was coming, where He would grant a stronger ability to discern between good and evil to His true children.  He said the world around me would get really loud and everyone would be shouting at me, telling me what to do, insisting they were trying to help me.  He said He would show me who really belonged to Him and that I would know (without a shadow of a doubt) who is for me and against me.  What I didn't realize is that the reason people are against ME is because He lives inside of me.  THEY have been against Him since the days He walked this earth, God incarnate.  THEY hated Him too, so why should I be surprised when I am hated for speaking the truth.  He was popular with some and hated by many, and even the ones who started off liking him (even shouting Hosanna as He passed by) ended up yelling "Crucify Him" when things got a little tough.  They were fair-weather friends.  The truth is that THEY were never with Him in the first place. Their hearts had never truly changed.  They had never truly accepted His words and message, how He showed them the Father, and how He embodied all the perfectly righteous qualities of God. They never became a new creation.

No, they tried to trick him, hurt him and THEY eventually killed Him--not recognizing Him as the Messiah.  They weren't His people.

Over the past few years, God has spoken to me many times about the separation of the wheat from the tares, the goat from the sheep and the difference between the five foolish virgins and the five wise virgins.  There are many more parables that speak the same message of separation and the division between God's true sons (children) and the sons of disobedience.

Recently, God started speaking about something a little different--a new aspect of the same message.  He said, "Sarah, those who are not mine have become really adept at imitating those that are mine."

This was a profound truth.  These people have grown up in church, learned the language of the Bible and Christianese and learned how to adeptly COPY the behaviors of God's children.  They know how to sing the hymns, perform the ritual religious sacraments, and say all the right things in church.  They know how to say the Lord's prayer and take communion, while quietly sobbing and kneeling at the rail in church.  They know how to give a tithe of 10%.  They can do all the godly things that give a strong perception of godliness and righteousness to the world.  They insist that YOU must do all these things in just a certain way--to become like them.

God spoke again, "Sarah, there's one thing they can't imitate...the wisdom of God."

If you don't have the wisdom of God, you can't fake it until you make it.  This is wisdom that only comes from God, and the world absolutely cannot duplicate it--no matter how many programs they create, or devise "wise" plans for the functioning of families, work, churches, or anything else.  They come up with plans, but the plans fail--time and time again.  God's wisdom is precious.

God's wisdom leads to honor, riches and life.

Satan can even emulate and duplicate the signs, wonders and miracles of God (in some cases)--just read the book of Revelation and you'll see this is true.  You can't judge the righteousness of a person or ministry by the miracles or signs that you see.  There has to be something more.  The person has to KNOW God, not just know about God, and this person will have the wisdom that comes through pursuing intimacy with God.  Wisdom leads us away from the unfruitful works of darkness and leads us to be cleansed of all unrighteousness, at any cost.  When someone receives the holy wisdom of God, this person realizes that nothing is more precious or important in life.  There is nothing else worth pursuing, except to be submissive and obedient to God in every way possible.  It's a wonderful, joyous union of a person's spirit into the Spirit of God.  Out of this deep relationship flows wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives--as He wills--to people.

This cannot be imitated by those who don't really know God.  It's simply impossible.

It's this wisdom of God that separates the wheat from the tares and the sheep from the goats.  Where does one get wisdom?  The Bible says that "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).  We get wisdom when we come into a true relationship with God by faith in Jesus Christ...but it has to be true faith.

The five foolish virgins believe that there is plenty of time to buy the oil, so they don't bother with buying it now.  They think there will be time later.  I will do what I want now, and then I'll buy my oil at the last minute.

I have heard people say, "God will save me, even if I repent at the last second of my life."  Is this true?  Absolutely.  However, you don't know when the last second will be.  You imagine it will resting in a bed somewhere at the ripe old age of 100, gently taking your last breaths and you quietly slip into the dark night.

I hate to tell you, but your last second might happen today.  You might be pulling out of a stop sign and somebody looks down at a phone and crashes into you.  You have milliseconds between life and death and you don't have TIME to think about getting saved.  Vehicular accidents happen every day and I'm guessing that most people have no idea when, or how, they will happen.  They never expected this would be their last day on earth.  It just happens, in the twinkling of an eye.

In the same way, Jesus will return to earth to take His own children with Him--in the twinkling of an eye.  If you don't have oil in your lamp (salvation and the anointing of God on your life to protect you), you will not go.  This isn't RELIGION.

Religion will never save you.  Jesus will save you.  You have to KNOW Jesus (in a personal relationship of intimacy). Knowing about God, or knowing about Jesus, or any combination of religious practices and knowing about anything will not save you!  You can know every scripture in the Bible, quote them flawlessly and go straight to hell when you die.  That's not what Christianity is doesn't matter how many times you have been to church, sung worship music, prayed for others, fed the homeless, took care of the widow and orphans, or performed ANY other good works.  It will NOT get you into heaven and you WILL NOT have eternal life with Jesus (which is the greatest benefit and purpose of heaven).

Religion kills.  Jesus saves.  Period.

If you don't know Jesus in a personal relationship, you can get to know Him now.  Tell Him that you have sinned against Him only and rejected His grace, ask for forgiveness, turn from your wicked ways.  Confess that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead.  Ask the Holy Spirit to come into you and help you to live righteously.  If you call on the name of the Lord Jesus in true faith, you will be saved!

Proverbs 9:10-12 (KJV)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased. If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.

Proverbs 8:17-19 (NASB)

"I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me. "Riches and honor are with me, Enduring wealth and righteousness. "My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold, And my yield better than choicest silver.

Matthew 7:19-27 (NASB)

"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. "So then, you will know them by their fruits. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. "And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. "Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. "The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell-- and great was its fall.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Heaven is Real (My Personal Testimony)

The fire in my spirit is momentarily subsiding.  I've been reading my Bible (as I stated in previous posts) from Genesis to Revelation and Revelation to Genesis.  I am reading from the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning.  I want to see from God's perspective.  I want to see the world through His eyes, not my own.

It's hard to see from the perspective of Almighty God who can see the hearts and lives of all men at once.  He sits high above it all and looks down, like we are glorious pieces in the chess game of life.  But we are not just carved images on the board, we are living and breathing, made in the very image of God.  We are precious to God.  Everyone is precious to God, regardless of name, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or even religious beliefs.  He formed us with His very own hands while in the womb, delicately shaping our being.  We are precious to God.

God is LOVE...the purest form of love that ever existed.  Love originated from God because it's the very essence of His being.  However, the love we know on earth is not the love of God.  Love can get quite twisted here on earth, barely even resembling the true (agape) love of God.

However, although God is love, He has other character attributes as well.  Keep in mind that everything God is...He is 100% purely that character trait.  There is no mixture or impurity in Him.  He is 100% love, 100% truth, 100% just, 100% wrathful (righteous indignation), 100% peaceful, 100% joyful, 100% merciful, 100% faithful.  He cannot be less than 100% of any pure and good character trait.  He is 0% evil--in any way!  There is no darkness or evil in Him--at all.  He is pure Light, and this Light cannot dwell in coexistence with darkness.  There is no shadow of turning in Him.  He is Light on every side, glorious and beautiful Light.

If I may, I would like to share a very special testimony with you about the Lord.

Many of you may know this (or not), but I was a victim of sexual abuse when I was five years old.  I met the spirit of perversion at a very early age and it defiled me.  It's the same spirit running rampant in the world today.  This is probably why I hate it so much.  It's nasty and foul, likened to a deep, dark dungeon place full of rats and smelling of mold.  It's dirty, but it's lust is uncontrollable.  It's desires cannot be satisfied and it seeks to fulfill it's own desires at any cost.  It takes no thought of harm to others and you become a piece of meat, set before a ravenous wolf.  I hate this spirit--as does God.  It's a fallen angel that was once glorious and beautiful in every way.  God created these angels to be full of His righteousness, but they chose the sin of pride and acted in rebellion--not unlike many people today.  The once beautiful creature became defiled and nasty.

The same thing happens with humans when we sin before God.  We are created in His own image, the most shining example of His character and glory.  We sin, we fall, and shame covers us.

After suffering for 6 years following the abuse, I became very withdrawn and depressed.  I was lonely, but did not want to tell anyone about what had happened to me.  I felt that it would make my parents stop loving me forever.  It was dirty and shameful--a dark, desperate place.  Shortly after the abuse, a "presence" started to come visit me in my room.  The essence of love, peace and joy would fill my room and then I would hear it speaking to me...not from outside my own body, but from somewhere within.  When it spoke, it brought me great peace and comfort.  After some time, the voice seemed to transcend out into my room and it would speak to me all the time.  In counseling, a person can be diagnosed as schizophrenic following a traumatic event.  It was rational when I spoke to my parents for them to believe I might have a psychosis.  According to the world's view of spirituality...that was the only answer to what happened to me.  However, hearing voices and seeing visions does not automatically meet the criteria for schizophrenia because all diagnoses must be considered in the perspective of the person's own religious and cultural contexts.  Hearing voices, as a Christian, does not mean that a person is schizophrenic, according to the DSM-5.  If that were the case, I know a lot of schizophrenic Christians who claim to hear the voice of God speaking to them (and see visions of things that are not visible to the eye).

No...something else was happening to me.  This presence would come, almost daily, to visit with me. He began to show me things (visions and dreams) of places that were full of his attributes, peace, love and joy...and the presence would also show me bad things that were still coming.  I had visions and dreams of horrible catastrophes.  At the age of five, I started knowing things were going to happen before they happened.  People suggested that I had a gift--or maybe I was a psychic.  I had dreams that I would tell my closest family and friends, and I always had "feelings" that things would happen a certain way--and they did.  I knew when people were going to die, and with my own grandmother (later in life), I spoke about it with details about the exact timing of her death.

I am not psychic.  The presence would tell me about things that I did not understand.  When I grew older and started to study the Bible, I realized that many of these things were biblical places, events and even future events that were prophesied about in the book of Revelation.  I began to see that everything the Spirit told me was true.  I realized the presence was the Holy Spirit and He had been visiting me, speaking with me, teaching me--since I was 5 years old.  My family didn't attend church and I didn't study the Bible at home.  HE taught me the Bible, and that is why I believe it has such a special place in my heart.  He was the only friend I had that I could really talk to during those days of my childhood.  I was really afraid to talk with anyone else, but He was always there, always comforting me--telling me to keep pushing forward and to never give up.

At 11 years old, I don't remember falling asleep, but it seemed I had a dream.  In the "dream", I was in a foreign place, standing at the edge of a body of water.  There was a little inlet and a small, single island in front of me.  It was only large enough to hold one house.  The house stood in the center of the island.  Everything around me was black and white, there was no color.  I was afraid to wade through the water, but I decided to go into the house.  I waded through the waist-deep water and went into the house.  I looked around and there was no furniture.  Everything was empty.  I walked down a hallway at the end of the house and there was a single folding chair at the end of a long hallway.  I walked toward it.  There was no furniture anywhere except that one folding chair.  I suddenly felt very tired and stumbled toward the chair and fell onto it.  As I collapsed onto the chair, my spirit rose from my body and I was immediately surrounded by these twinkling, sparkling little lights.  They formed a whirlwind around my body and within seconds, they whooshed me up through the ceiling (that just opened above me) and within a few more seconds, I was in the most beautiful glorious Light that anyone could ever imagine.  I was suspended in the Light, and I had a body, but it was not like the body I had on earth.  It was light and airy and felt completely free of any imperfection, sickness or hindrance of any kind.  It seemed the Light could pass right through my body and it filled every place inside of me.  The love that I felt was unlike anything I could describe.  I had never imagined that someone could be loved so much.  The peace I felt was perfect, and in perfect harmony with perfect love, and perfect unending and unrestrained JOY.  In a matter of moments (although I sensed there was no time in this place), I knew I NEVER wanted to go back or be in any place except THIS place.  It only took milliseconds to realize this.

As I was suspended in the Light and enjoyed it flowing through me and filling me completely, I suddenly heard a thunderous voice (but it wasn't scary).  It was the LIGHT speaking to me.  The Light was buttery and golden and glowing, and it was soft to the touch.  Describing it in human terms is difficult because there are simply not adequate words to describe what I have experienced.  The LIGHT spoke to me and said, "Do you want to stay?"

I thought for just a moment.  While I was thinking (for a few milliseconds), another figure appeared out of the Light.  At once, I knew this was Jesus.  I had never seen Him before, and I knew little about Him from the Bible, but my spirit recognized Him immediately.  He just stood and looked at me without saying a word.  The Light seemed to be waiting patiently for my answer, even though it had just been a moment.  I spoke to the Light and said, "I have to go back.  I will miss my family."  At once, the sparkling light beings (angels) surrounded me and whirled me back down through the roof of the house and back onto the chair.  This only took a millisecond to get me back.

As I had left the presence of the Light, I began to cry in the second while I was traveling back to my body.  I was sobbing and weeping when I re-entered my body on the chair.  I could feel the cold, darkness of the world around me.  I had left the most glorious place to return to shame, guilt, filth, anger, hatred, sickness and everything dark and evil.  I wondered if I could ever go back.  I was crying on the chair in the house on the tiny island.  I got up and immediately knew I had work to do.  I needed to tell my family about this place, so that they could one day go there too.  I looked down the hallway where there had previously been no furniture, and there stood one small table with a red rotary phone on it.  I went to the table and picked up the phone and called my aunt.  I began to tell her where I had been and what I had seen...

Then I woke up.  My pillow was soaked and sopping wet from my tears.

When I woke up, I felt very different than when I went to sleep.  I had a peace that I had never had before and I felt that any fear of death I had was GONE.  I have never been afraid to die since that night.  The presence (the Holy Spirit) began to visit me less and less.  I became angry that I was "stuck" in this world with all these evil people and darkness all around me.  Instead of putting my full faith in Jesus, I began to walk away from God.  Even though I made the choice to leave the Light, I was angry that I could not go back.

I know that I will be in that Light again.  I have turned to the Lord with all my heart and have surrendered my life to Jesus, putting my full faith in Him for salvation.  By His grace, I will make the journey back HOME.  That is my home.  This is NOT my home.  This dark world is NOT my home.  I have tried to stop being angry at the world.  I love the world.  I came back so that my FAMILY (and I've come to realize it wasn't just my biological family, but my spiritual family) can come to that glorious place that I visited.  Heaven is real.  God is real.  Jesus is real.  Everything that is described about how the new heaven and earth will be in Revelation 21 & 22 is real!

I know that I'm going home.  I will return.  I want YOU to go with me.  Please don't be so prideful, stubborn, or think yourself wiser than God....just be humble, ask forgiveness, believe in the Lord Jesus as the full payment for your sins, accept His wonderful grace....and COME WITH ME!  I want you to be in the family of God.  God wants you in His family.

I have a mission to fulfill on gather as many people as will come, and to bring them home to Jesus.  That is why I do what I do.  That is why I speak what I speak.  I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to compel you to come into the kingdom of God.  I cannot ever forget that place--my home.  In years since then, God has given me other visions and shown me other things about heaven.  I used to think that we just had to endure this horrible place on earth and then eventually we would be in heaven, free from it all.  Although that is true, this place is horrible, there is abundant life to be found NOW through a relationship with Jesus.  We can bring the things of heaven to earth to enjoy while we're here and show people what eternal life with Jesus is like.  The Lord's prayer says, "God's will be done, on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN."  Believers, children of God, we can bring the goodness of heaven to earth so people have a glimpse of what heaven is like.  They can realize that this place is not their home, and they can come home to Jesus.

People are right.  I can't cry loud enough to change the laws of earth to match the perfect law of heaven, but I cry loudly in the streets the message of salvation because those who don't hear and respond will experience the opposite of what I just described--a place that is utterly devoid of that Light and presence of God.  God has shown me this place as well, and it's worse than you could ever imagine.  It's not the hellfire, the worms, or the 8-9 foot demons with foot-long razor sharp claws, and the smell of death all around you, with no light and constant torment....because that's all real's the knowledge you have that you could have been with God in heaven forevermore, and YOU (YOU ALONE) made that choice to reject the goodness of God through Jesus Christ and sent yourself there for eternity with NO HOPE of ever being released or having salvation.  You clearly know what you lost in rejecting Christ and you feel that you want to kill yourself every second of the day, but you know that you can't.  You can't escape.  That is the torment of hell.  The Lord allowed me to see it and feel it.  It's why I shout loudly the message of salvation.  NOBODY has to go there.  It's your choice...and it's truly a choice of life or death (forever without end).

Choose wisely and choose quickly.  Time is running short.  I'm warning you now.  Don't say I didn't warn you.

Revelation 21 New King James Version (NKJV)

All Things Made New

21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John,[a] saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God iswith men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me,[b] “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
And He said to me, “It is done![c] I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things,[d] and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving,[e] abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

The Parable of the Ten Virgins
1“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
9“ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
13“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Anointing of God Breaks Yokes of Bondage - Separation is Happening!

One of my greatest gifts is discerning of spirits.  To discern means "to discover", so this gift means to "discover spirits."  It has often been called discernment by churches and there are, indeed, translations of the Bible that list it as such.  Even discernment is to the discover the spirit behind a specific thing, action, or spoken word.  I once had a woman in my church test something that I spoke "from the Lord" (I was just learning to hear from God), and she said, "Sarah, the words you are speaking are true, but the spirit behind what you are speaking is not God."  She taught me that you have to discern (discover) what spirit is speaking, whether it be God, the demonic, or just that human's soul.  As I have learned and grown in my spiritual knowledge of God and biblical truth, I have been presented with new teachings by people that I have needed to discern the spirit of what is being spoken.  The devil, Satan, knows scriptures too.  He used them to tempt Jesus to sin and give up obedience to the Father.  He used scripture then and he still uses it today.

Yesterday, I had a great spiritual conversation with my sister in the Lord, a prophetess.  She and I compare notes on what God is speaking to each one of us, and also the words He is giving to the church.  I submit the prophecies God gives me openly for the body of Christ to judge.  They are called to discern the spirit of what I am speaking.  They are told to take what is good, but also not to despise prophecies.  I have encountered false prophets.  A little over a year ago, I was talking with a woman about the Bible and she said the Lord had a "word" for me.  She began to tell me that my husband was abusive and rejecting me, and that he was hateful and raged at me, and ultimately the LORD was telling me to leave protect my children from future harm.

Immediately, I could tell this was NOT from God, because first God had been speaking to me at the same time to not give up on my marriage, to stay with my husband, to love him despite his faults and weaknesses, but also to recognize that I have faults and weaknesses too...and to work on my marriage and that God would help us grow together in unity.

This was the current word the LORD had truly been giving me at the time.  The enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy, and it was easy to tell that this "word" was not from the Lord.  When I rejected what she spoke to me very boldly, she got very angry with me and told me that I was a false prophet, that I didn't hear from God, that I needed to study the Bible and get past the elementary teachings...and so on, and so on...

I spoke truth...she attacked me.  Because in truth, that was not God speaking to me.  It was a lying, deceiving spirit that tried to imitate the word of the Lord.  I recognized it for what it was and called it out as error. She was prideful and said she had taught many people how to hear from the Lord and was a teacher in the gift of prophecy.  I told her that she might want to go back to the Lord and ask Him about this, because at the time, it was probably destructive for her to continue to "teach" things were in error.  I loved her through this interaction, despite her hurling insults and persecution at me.

She stopped short of calling me an outright liar and a child of the devil, simply because I rejected something that I knew was not from God.  She attacked me to bring reproach to my character and then immediately started posting on Facebook about how I was a false prophet and people should be "warned" not to listen to me.  She didn't keep it between us, she went into an outright attack publicly. Those demonic spirits will do that.  They don't want to be persecuted with the truth of the Word of God.  It drives them crazy and makes them go on the attack.  The truth is, demons don't want to be discovered in people.  They are quite happy having strongholds in the lives of people and getting to wreak daily havoc and destruction in the person's life.

I have another spiritual gift that works in conjunction with the gift of discerning of spirits (although it is actually a branch of the gift)...I am a seer prophetess.  I can see into the spiritual realm and actually see the demonic in people.  I've walked into a room and seen demons scatter and flee.  I've seen them sit on rooftops and look down onto me as I talked with people.  I've seen people shake, convulse and vomit when I speak to them because the demonic starts to manifest when it interacts with the anointing of God (the bondage breaking anointing that Jesus walked under).  The anointing of God breaks every yoke of bondage.  The anointing of God can break any bondage, and we are not just talking about in the lives of unbelievers, believers can be under demonic oppression too.  I have preached to, taught, and prayed with many believers who are struggling with demonic bondage that has been broken and destroyed by the anointing of God.

Demons hate truth.  Satan hates truth because he is the father of lies.  There is no truth in him.

The spirit of perversion is running wild in the world today, but the body of Christ is not immune.   Perversion (in the biblical sense) is not just sexual in nature, although it manifests in sexual immorality, homosexuality, bestiality, incest and pedophilia.  It also manifests in false teaching, false prophecy, error, twisting the truth, rebellion and approving of sin in others and calling it truth (and love, which is not demonstrated through perversion, lying and deceit).

When people do not retain God in their knowledge, they are given over to reprobate mind and given over to the lusts of their flesh to destroy themselves.  My friend who is a true prophetess was speaking to me about the lack of discernment (or discerning of spirits) in the church today.  Because these demons don't want anyone who speaks truth to be in the church, where they can destroy yokes of bondage by the anointing of God, the demons are pushing out any truth that exists in the four walls of the church, running off the true children of God so they can have their way with those who are weak.  They are ravenous wolves among the sheep.  Shepherds are not rising up in discerning of spirits to protect their flocks from evil and demonic infestation, and therefore, people are not coming to know the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and the church is being judged and defiled from the inside out.

It's a very sad time in the history of the church, but God is separating the wheat from the tares, and soon the tares will be revealed, along with the true sons of God.  The wheat and tares have been existing and growing up together, but they cannot stay in the same place together anymore.  Truth, and the anointing of God, is breaking yokes and doing the great work of separation and revelation inside the church.  Real children of God are not imitating the works of the Lord, having godliness but lacking the power of God...real children of God are standing up, not loving their lives, even unto death and having a bold spirit in them right now.

As many say, we cannot judge the ultimate salvation of a person or his standing of righteousness before God, but God is doing that work right now.  He WILL show who belong to Him, and which of those who are pretending are not really children of God.  He will bundle them to be thrown into the fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Pride cannot save them from God's wrath.  Only true faith in the Son of God, Jesus, can achieve a person's salvation and make him a true child of God.  God knows, but God is getting ready to show the world...He will reveal the true sons of God.  The fakers, imitators and haters of God (lovers of money and self) will be revealed by God soon!  Just because you are in church every time the doors are open does not mean you are a CHRISTIAN.  Get right with God now because judgment starts in the house of God, and it's already started now.

Don't be a foolish virgin and have your lamp empty (lacking oil) when the bridegroom returns.  He won't wait for you to go and buy oil.  You MUST be ready when He comes.

The doors of the wedding banquet for the children of God WILL close, don't be left outside where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

ROMANS 1:18-32 (NKJV)

God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality,[c] wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

Isaiah 10:27King James Version (KJV)

27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.