Sunday, September 6, 2015

I Am a Good Mother...

I am a good mother.

I am not a perfect mother, but I am a good mother.

This can be one of the hardest things to say in life, as a mother.  Why is it hard to believe that we are doing a good job?  Whether you have one child or ten children, many mothers still doubt their abilities and may worry into the night that they are wrecking their children's lives.  Am I a good mother because I feed my children an all-natural, organic diet that is nutritionally balanced, GMO and gluten-free, and absolute full of goodness?  No.  Sadly, I do not do all these things.

I do try.

Am I good mom when my children go to bed at 7:30 every night, tucked quietly into their beds with a  perfect bedtime story full of moral fortitude?  No.

I do try.

Am I a good mother because I arrange playdates with the best children on the block, provide my children with extra opportunities for character building, boundary constructing and practicing social construct that are acceptable in society?  No.

But...I do try.

I am a good mother because I deeply love my children--unconditionally.

I am a good mother because, at the end of the day, I have kept my children alive, fed, clothed and sheltered.  Well, even when we faced troublesome times, it wasn't actually me that did was Jesus.  He helps me to be a good mother.  He provides for that I can be a good mother.  He pours His love through me, so that I can be a good mother.  He teaches my children grace, mercy, love and forgiveness for all those times I mess up, and the world may say (or I may want to say) that I am NOT a good mother.

You see, what makes me a good mother isn't that I conform perfectly to the wisdom of the world that tells me how to raise my children in a perfect way, in perfect health, so ultimately they can avoid dying too early.

What makes me a good mother is that I know where my strength comes from.  I know that I am not a perfect mother, but I believe in the grace of God that is guiding me and carrying me through. I believe that God is strong enough to overcome my shortcomings and mistakes as a parent, heal my children and God is in control of how their lives turn out.

I do try.  I try to spend time each day seeking God.  I try to focus more time in prayer for my children and their future.  I try to spend quality time with them each day, making them feel unconditionally love and ultimately important.  I try to tell them that, although they too have weaknesses, God is strong enough to overcome them.

I teach them that perfection is not the goal of life.  Love is the answer to everything.

This is why I AM A GOOD MOTHER.

2 Corinthians 12:10 (NASB)

Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

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