Thursday, September 3, 2015

Jesus is My Inspiration

I am very thankful that today is a quieter day.  I am at home, just cleaning my house, organizing my life and and doing normal things.  It has been a crazy week with doctor appointments and kids starting sports (soccer and volleyball), working my counseling internship and trying to keep up with the fast-paced life that we live.  However, I am thankful that we are busy because if I stayed home all day (every day), I would probably be more prone to anxiety and depression.  I am coaching volleyball this year and the exercise keeps those endorphins rushing to my brain and it's helping me stay peaceful and happy.

This morning, a thought was ruminating in my mind...I think sometimes people look at other people for inspiration.  When someone is facing a trial (as we are facing), it can be easy to watch that person's life very closely.  I make it even easier because I am sharing the entire journey, ups and downs, with all of you.  However, people have said things to the effect that my strength and how I am handling this situation is "inspiring."

I began to think about this statement this morning.  While I love the support and I am thankful that our bad situation is making people have hope and feel stronger, I began to think about what inspires ME.  What inspires me to go through my day with uncertainty and negativity lurking around every corner?  What inspires me not to worry too much (even though I do--a little)?  What inspires me to get up in the morning and get dressed and be joyful about my day, regardless of what may happen?  Oh, sometimes, I do fail at being joyful and peaceful, but it's not really my job to keep myself that way.

I spoke with someone yesterday who asked the question, "Why would God put your family through so much?  You have been through difficult things in the past?  Is this a TEST for your family?  Why?"

The person apologized for bringing up her feelings this way, but I told her..."It's ok.  Yes, it may be a test.  Yes, we may have been tested before.  We may have even passed the test LAST time.  I don't know exactly why this is happening, but I know that God is fully in control of the situation and He knows the outcome.  I have no control over what will happen to my little son, or me, or anything else in life." I have a little bit of control over the decisions that we can make, but the outcome is ultimately in God's hands--completely--and I trust whatever decision HE decides to make about our lives."

I could hear her sobbing on the other end of the line.  She seemed too choked up to talk.  She said, "I'm so glad that you have faith in God and it's carrying you through this.  What you said is absolutely right, we have no control and we have to just trust God."

Now, do I trust God perfectly every day?  No.

I can guarantee you that my trust in God is not perfected at this time.  I am well aware of my personal doubts and weaknesses, my tendency to become anxious or fearful and overly emotional (and dramatic).  I know myself better than anyone--except God.  He knows me better than I know myself.

HE (The Lord Jesus--Yeshua) is my inspiration for living every single day.  I do not know how I would survive this life and all the troubles it has brought me without HIM.  He is the giver of all my peace (my mind constantly wants to be anxious), He is my hope (when I feel that I have no hope), He is the reason I get up in the morning and praise Him every night before I fall asleep.  He is the One I come running to in prayer over big and small things that happen throughout my day.  He is the One who comforts me, guides me, gives me wisdom and reassures me of how much He loves me.  He loves you, He loves my family, He loves every human being on the planet with an everlasting love.

If He allows this trial, surely He has a great plan in doing so.  I trust Him.  I trust His decisions about my life more than I trust my own.  I take His Word over my own thoughts, my own feelings, my own fears and my own desires.  HE is my inspiration for living.

With a mother's heart, I cry out to Him to heal my son.  I will continue to do so, just as I did with my other son who He healed.  I will not stop petitioning Him to heal my son completely.  I believe God is a great Healer, the Great Physician, and even if God should one day choose to take him to be with Him, I will trust Him still.  Where else can I go?  He is the One who has been faithful to me in everything.  He has shown Himself faithful--time and time again!  He has never left me or abandoned me during my times of trial, and He has been with me through all my times of joy as well.  He is real.  He is alive.  He is risen.  His salvation is not a one-time event in life.  His salvation works itself out in our lives EVERY DAY! He saves us from weakness, trials, persecutions, infirmities, and everything that comes against us in life--and one day, our salvation, our rescue will occur and we will live forever in eternity without pain, sorrow or death any longer.  If any of my children go to that blessed place before me, I hope it's not too long before I get there too!

Life is short.  Eternity is forever.  I know where we are headed and no matter what happens in this life, Jesus inspires me to continue forward toward the heavenly reward!  He is my great and exceeding reward, above ALL other things.

Revelation 21:1-4 (HCSB)

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne:[a]
Look! God’s dwelling[b] is with humanity,
and He will live with them.
They will be His people,
and God Himself will be with them
and be their God.[c]
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Death will no longer exist;
grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer,
because the previous things[d] have passed away.


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